MSTF Action Research Project

Classroom Action Research

Each Fellow will be given the book “Action Research Guidebook” – a process for pursuing equity and excellence in education” as a guide for their classroom action research portion of the portfolio project.  Fellows are expected to use the Action Research Guidebook as they develop and enact their action research utilizing the Action Research Cycle as described in the text.  

Writing Component – 

  • The “Action Research Guidebook” contains all required elements for the writing component for this segment.  Chapter 10, pages 184-195 describe in detail the necessary elements and contain tools to help make the process successful for the researcher.  Resource D – Sample Abbreviated Action Research Reports, pages 218 – 245 will be a helpful resource when writing the classroom action research segment of your portfolio.
  • As the book states,the report must include the following characteristics of a classroom action research report:
    • Explanation of context, problem, and issue
    • Theoretical perspective
    • Research Design
    • Analysis of data
    • Action Planning

Video component –

  • Fellows must use video evidence for data collection and analysis.
    • Fellows will decide which aspects of their ambitious science teaching practices will benefit from video analysis.
      • Video analysis tools may be found in MSTF documentation.
    • Fellows must utilize and submit 3 pieces of video evidence that will be taken over the course of the action research cycle.
    • The video submissions must follow the guidelines as outlined in the “Capturing Student Video” section of this document.

Analyzing student work and implementation of ambitious teaching practices – 

  • The work chosen to analyze for this project will be determined by the Fellow as they develop their plan of action and engage in the Action Research Cycle. 
    • The Fellow will determine the appropriate tools to analyze the student work or other forms of student data ascertained by the Fellow.  Tools for reflection may be found in the Action Research Guidebook and MSTF documentation.  
    • All student work must be included as part of the portfolio submission following the guidelines for anonymity set forth in this document and the “Action Research Guidebook”.

Action Research Evaluation

The action research will be guided by the rubric linked below.

Fellows portfolio must show proficiency in each category of the rubric.

*Fellows research projects that do not meet proficiency in each category will not count toward earning a Wayne County Master Science Teacher Certification.

**Fellows will have an opportunity to resubmit portfolio within one year.
