MSTF Micro-credential System Outline

Learning Experiences

MSTF learning experiences consist of workshops, job-embedded professional learning through Classroom Learning Labs, Studio Days, and individualized coaching cycles, book studies, and Fellowship meeting discourses with peer Fellows as critical friends in reflection.


A micro-credential captures and communicates that an individual has reached a level of applied proficiency in the standards by satisfactorily applying their learning based on a defined rubric.

MSTF Certification

To earn the MSTF certification, a Fellow must earn the 4 core MSTF micro-credentials that show proficiency in executing skill sets in a classroom environment. Fellows will provide final evidence through an action research project that will demonstrate the Fellows capacity to implement high leverage and ambitious science teaching practices with students through reflective inquiry.

Great teaching can be learned. The Ambitious Science Educator will anchor instruction with puzzling phenomenon, engage groups of students and the whole class in discourse to get students thinking deeply with each other publicly and wraps investigations in science practices to support students in the practice of sensemaking.

Assessment should be meaningful and actionable. Fellows will become assessment literate, develop a theory of classroom assessment, build their classroom assessment microsystem and use actionable data to grow students, resources and practice

Fellows will study the art and science of being a reflective practitioner. Using tools, protocols and routines, the Fellows will continually reflect on classroom practices that include pedagogy, assessment, and collaboration.

Leaders are those that empower others. Fellows will work to empower others in mentorship and discourse to make a difference in their classrooms, districts and communities.
